

17 and counting...I persuaded and got 17 people vaccinated. As more and more people are getting vaccinated the remaining 30% of the people is pushing too hard, against the vaccine.  That means it is time to do our part. Government mandating vaccinations or masks is triggering protests, but you as a consumer CAN demand how you want your product or service. Ways We can persuade people to Get Vaccinated. Pick what's suitable for you. Be Respectful and NEVER be Pushy. First.. Oh! The reported online vaccine cases. Less than 7 in one million vaccine doses (0.0007%) have reported significant negative reaction.  10 X More people die from scalding when taking a hot morning shower.  100 X More people die from driving their own vehicles. On our daily lives we accept the risks of taking a hot shower or driving because the risk of not doing that activity is even greater. Vaccinate All Eligible Members In your household. When its your turn please vaccinate for your well being and others. Shop s